St Saviour's College Newsletter Term 4 Week 4
"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment.
The second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." (Mt 22: 37 – 40)
In last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus challenged his disciples to do two things: 1. Love God; 2. Love one another. This sounds simple enough, but it is in fact, one of life’s biggest challenges. Presently, in our political arena with elections looming, the example being proffered by world and national leaders, is, the only way to get your point across is to belittle or depreciate your opposition. Unfortunately, this is the modelling our young people are receiving on a regular basis.
As a mercy community, we are the antithesis of this. As a community of faith, we strive to authentically live out our mercy values of hospitality, justice, compassion and excellence. For this reason, this recent Gospel poses a daily challenge for each of us. DaShanne Stokes famously said, “If your actions don't live up to your words, you have nothing to say.” I continue to encourage our students to be young women of their word. Let the voice of Catherine McAuley be echoed in all that we do, all that we say and the way we connect with each other. May we all strive to love our God and love our neighbour, even in these compromised times. It’s as simple and as difficult as that.
Interact Changeover
Congratulations to our Interact Group for the positive way they engaged in the Change-over Luncheon last week. Each year, the East Rotary group share a meal with us as we celebrate our annual official hand-over of offices. We thank our outgoing group and congratulate our incumbents who, I am sure, will live up to the example of their forbearers.
It is only fitting that the Rotary motto is “service before self”. Our Interactors do a great job of ensuring this is a reality. The girls do so much behind the scenes, through successful fundraising ventures, such as last Friday’s ‘Purple for Polio’ free dress day. Thank you to all our College Interact group and to Mrs Murray and Mrs Conaghan, our Interact Coordinators, for their commitment to “service before self”.
The ‘Me, Myself and I’ Project
Last week, our Year 7 students were privy to makeovers as a part of the ‘Me, Myself and I’ project being conducted as a part of their Skills class. Hope’s Mum, Narelle Lowe, generously coordinated the experience, organising hair and make-up training artists through Demi International, costumes through The Costume Shop, and photography through her personal contacts, so that girls could experience first-hand, an exercise in empowerment. Over several weeks in Skills class, Narelle and classroom teacher, Mrs Andrea King, worked with the girls around the topic of identity and self-esteem. The girls chose an inspirational word that befit them, were made up, dressed up and photographed to capture a lasting image of them as they transition into adolescence. The girls looked stunning and I am confident that their images are going to reflect their inner and outer beauty. Thanks again to Mrs Andrea King, Narelle and her team of volunteers who created for our Year 7s a wonderful experience, I am certain they will never forget.
Congratulations to our Year 9, 10 and 11 students for their participation in our recent camps. I am assured these were great opportunities to build teamwork, capacity, and confidence. Many thanks to our dedicated staff for generously availing themselves to supervise these experiences for our girls.
Sydney Dance Company
A big thank you to our Dance Teacher, Ms Lucy Leicht for organising for our Year 9-12 Dance students to be involved in workshops conducted by the Sydney Dance Troop. Each of these hour-long workshops operate via Zoom and allow our girls access to some of the best dancers and instructors in the country.
External Exams
We are almost a week into our External Exams. I thank our Year 12 students for the way they have entered into the experience and trust that their efforts with study brings with it, great reward. Special thanks to Deputy Principal, Ms Jen Smeed and Admin Support Officer, Mrs Kathy McDonald for their work leading up to and during this busy time. Please continue to remember our senior students in your prayers.
Youth Ministry Team
Many thanks to our YMT for their ongoing zeal and presence in our community. Their recent efforts at the Trivia Night (and Lip Sync Battle), hosted here at the College, with combined efforts from St Joseph’s College, raised $1375, half of which will go to Tony’s Community Kitchen and half to Vinnies Youth. Congratulations girls, Mrs Hagemann and Mr Baines! I believe a great night was had by all in attendance.
Blessings for the weeks ahead.
Sharon Collins
Deputy Principal - Curriculum
Senior Rollover
This week, Year 10 students commenced their senior studies in the core classes of Maths, English and Religion as well as their elective options. Students received a new timetable which reflects these senior selections.
Year 11 students also began their Unit Three studies this week which signifies the beginning of their summative assessments. The QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) states that students should not change subjects across Unit Three and Four; therefore, if your daughter is considering any subject changes please direct her to me ASAP.
If you have any questions about the subjects selected or the senior course of study please do not hesitate to contact me at
Year 12 External Exam Block
Monday saw the commencement of the first External Assessment block for Year 12 students in the new QCE system. The exam block runs through until Tuesday 17th November. By the end of this week students will have sat their final exams for English, Essential English, Business, Mathematical Methods, Design, Visual Art, Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics and Specialist Mathematics. Well done to all our Year 12 Mercy Girls for the way they have prepared for and sat these exams. We wish them luck for the coming two weeks of continued testing.
I also wish to thank the dedicated St Saviour’s College staff who have worked with our students over many years to ensure that our girls are not only prepared for these exams but also for life after they leave the College.
Tutoring for all students from Year 7-12 is held on Thursday afternoons from 3:15-4:30pm in the library. Everyone is welcome to attend.
If you have further questions about any of the information above, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College or at
Jennifer Smeed
Deputy Principal
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
Faith and Mission
This fortnight’s prayer comes from a place of nostalgia. Working with a colleague and dear friend from one of our diocesan primary schools, we shared prayer practices among the primary and high school students we taught. The prayers were anonymous and students took delight in reading and appreciating the personal messages within each prayer, especially when they could connect with such personal messages from students of other local Catholic schools. This prayer was written by a year 6 student and I believe it is a timeless message of hope and gratefulness – an all-time favourite!
I cannot pray love and receive love unless I am love.
I cannot pray joy and receive joy unless I am giving joy to myself and others.
I cannot pray peace and receive peace unless I am being peaceful
in my interactions with the world.
Living Water Praxis and Day #1 Intensive
Miss Cavanagh will be coordinating the Living Water Praxis program, with the ongoing support and assistance from Mr Baines and Mrs Hagemann. Ms Sharon Collins, College Principal and Mrs Mary Conaghan, senior RE teacher have also assisted as members of the working party in planning and drafting the Praxis program for our diocese. When students have completed Year 10 units (Unit 1 and Unit 2) of Religion and Ethics, they must then choose either SOR (Study of Religion) or R&E (Religion and Ethics) and complete Units 3 and 4 for Year 11. In Year 12 R&E, students complete the Living Water Praxis program.
This week with the rollover to a new academic year, Praxis students are being introduced to the course with a series of four preparatory lessons (approx. 4 hours), focusing on the Praxis course expectations, an overview of the whole program, the skill of journalling and the Catholic Social Teachings.
Day 1 Intensive is scheduled for Wednesday 4 November. We welcome students from Mary MacKillop College to our campus, who are also undertaking the Praxis program.
Day 2 Intensive will also be run in conjunction with Praxis students from Mary MacKillop College. This day will focus on the Service learning models, preparing and facilitating prayer, liturgy and a retreat. Further journalling and reflection and information about the Student Passport and Logbook, which are student recording tools for activities and hours of service. Due to the content requirements, this day will also run longer than the average school day.
Running throughout the year, students will be undertaking learning opportunities with such organisations as Rosie’s, Tony’s Community Kitchen and St Vincent de Paul – all of which we have already established strong community connections.
The final aspect of the program includes Twilight Reflection sessions, reflecting on Service Learning, participating in a Retreat, which will be our annual Year 12 Reflections Retreat, and graduation celebrations.
From our Prayer Room
Our mini-Mass services continue this term in the Prayer Room, for years 8-10 with Father Hal. Fr Hal celebrated the Eucharist with our College community, adapting to these COVID times:
- 3 November - Year 9 student mass
- 10 November - Year 10 student mass
Youth Ministry
To raise awareness and much needed funds for St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies Youth) and Tony’s Community Kitchen, St Saviour’s College Youth Ministry team hosted our first Youth Ministry Collegiate event in collaboration with Miss Kellie Ford and the Just Joeys Youth Ministry students of St Joseph’s College. St Saviour's girls, Keeley and Natalya (Student Leaders of Mission and Identity), led a team of dedicated students to raise a combined total of $1375 between our two Colleges. A fabulous effort by students, demonstrating unwavering support for two of our outreach partners, Tony’s Community Kitchen and St Vincent De Paul. Guests enjoyed COVID-safe snack boxes from our wonderful Catercare Group and drinks and chips were sold on-site. The Morcom family wowed us with their lip synch skills, with many of our boarding students taking great delight in taking up the musical challenge. Overall winners for the evening to take out the trophy were Eliza and Nellie Morcom and their family, but it was a close race! Overall, St Saviour’s raised $550 and St Joseph’s College raised a whopping $825, taking us to a grand total of $1375 across both campuses. Well done and your fundraising is greatly appreciated.
Camp Program 2020
Over the last fortnight, our Year 9s headed out to Camp Kokoda, which is on the southern shore of the Maroon Dam. Camp goals were:
- Develop confidence to do what you thought impossible – step out of your comfort zone.
- Give/take support in a team environment as students worked through these challenges together.
- Take a break from technology – and have fun!
Students had to:
- Put up their own shelters/tents
- Take turns to prepare meals for everyone
- Collect their own firewood
- Pack their own backpacks
- Wash their own dishes
Students had to carry everything with them and there were some weary students who returned from their trek.
Our Year 10 and 11 students headed off the Camp Koojarewon at Highfields, which is situated on 16 acres of bushland. Students negotiated leadership responsibilities, brainstormed, problem solved and had a fun but challenging couple of days. Their strengths were called upon and students were put to the test physically, emotionally, as individuals and in teams.
Thank you to our dedicated staff who accompanied our students on camp.
Funday Friday!
Last Friday, our students ran some interactive and fun lunchtime activities to raise awareness and much-needed funds towards Polio research and promoting positive wellbeing. Throughout the term, students have been collecting funds and keeping a cumulative tally, to hit financial targets for our “Pie in the Face for Polio” challenge. With enough money raised, there were whipped cream pies flying in Dublin Place!
World Teachers’ Day
Last Friday we also celebrated World Teachers’ Day, acknowledging the contributions to our College and dedication of our fabulous teaching staff. A delicious luncheon was provided for staff as a small “thank you” to all of the teaching staff within the College. Being Funday Friday, there was an excited and happy vibe across our lovely little community, with staff and students enjoying the fun and laughter, celebrating Week 4 of this term.
“All laugh and pray together, not one cold, stiff soul appears...”
Catherine McAuley, circa 1830
St Saviour’s College staff and students, I am so proud to stand beside you on our collective life journey. For every day, I give thanks – God bless.
Mrs Heather Hagemann
Assistant Principal - Mission and Student Wellbeing
Book Week
THEME: Curious Creatures, Wild Minds
QUIZ: Year 7 and 8 students participated in the Book Week Quiz on Wednesday 21st October. It was a great afternoon of fun as can been seen in the following photos.
As well as some of our ‘oh so helpful’ seniors!
We had four (4) rounds of Harry Potter creature questions and a winner for each round:
Well done to our overall winning team for the afternoon:
Maryam, Alby, Madison and Mia.
We also ran a competition where students had to guess the staff member who was morphed into an animal (see some examples below)
The winner of this competition will be announced on Friday assembly and mentioned in the next newsletter so stayed tuned!
'Me, Myself and I' Project
We have been exceptionally lucky to have had an opportunity to participate in a project that is still on-going to further foster the self-esteem of our Year 7 young ladies.
Narelle Lowe, a parent of one of our Year 7 students has been the driving force behind this project and secured a number of businesses and organisations to support this wonderful initiative.
The project allowed the students to symbolise a trait of their own through their pose and dress. See some of our students going through the process:
As part of this, Demi International Beauty Academy participated by doing our Year 7’s hair and make-up. What a fantastic job they did!
More information on what they offer can be found here:
We also had Toowoomba Fancy Dress Shop provide some of the costumes our students required to represent their trait, and they did a wonderful job in supplying these.
More information on the great costumes they have provided can be found here:
Finally, a photographer took individual photos of every student here and in costume to show their trait and empower our young women here at the College.
More information about what Angela at Belle Images provides in the way of photography can be found here:
“A School Library is Like the Bat Cave: it's a safe fortress in a chaotic world, a source of knowledge and the lair of a superhero.” By Tom Angleberger
Andrea King
Teacher Librarian
McAuley Boarding House
The best part about life - every morning you have the opportunity to become a happier version of yourself. It is up to you, the individual, to choose the happier version today, tomorrow and every day thereafter. Today, breathe in happy and joyous thoughts. Exhale sad and distracting thoughts.
With the previous weekend bringing some much-needed rain to our region, we have been able to pause and respect the way the earth and its seasons impact us. The smell of the rain as it hits the dry, parched crust of the Earth ignites our senses. As the methodical pitter-patter drops of rain fall on our rooves and the thunder and lightning erupt into the night, McAuley House has come alive with screams and laughter. We reflect on the regions west and north that potentially may not see the fruits of the rain for some time. We pray that the seasonal rains come sooner rather than later and that livestock and communities are able to get by until they come.
As we approach the halfway point of Term 4, we are reminding the boarders of their responsibility towards their studies, their opportunities and time spent with each other. They have enjoyed the relaxation of some of the restrictions of previous terms and spend time shopping, engaging in gym activities, boxing, swimming and returning to our local parish for mass. These activities provide not just entertainment for our young people, but an opportunity to develop their social skills, communication, organisation, time management and responsibility. Although the girls have had some stumbling blocks returning to these activities, we are proud of their resilience and learning. With only four weeks left until the Christmas holidays, we look forward to assisting and providing opportunities for care and personal growth.
Mayoral Award Recipient
Boarding student from Cunnamulla, Holly Anderson, was the proud St Saviour’s College recipient of this year’s Mayoral Medal. Holly joined McAuley House boarding this year and has demonstrated exponential growth.
Holly’s family travelled from Cunnamulla to witness her receiving her medal and certificate at the Highfields Cultural Centre, alongside 27 other young award winners from across the region. Proud past student Cr. Melissa Taylor was on hand to congratulate Holly and her family on her achievements. Holly’s resilience and application to uphold her best is an inspiration. We congratulate Holly and her family on this achievement.
Boarding House Projects
This term the boarding house has planned and started several projects within the boarding house. Staff and year 11 leaders have led the girls in participating in whole dorm activities and projects. We are bringing colour and flare to the front stairwell with a McAuley House family tree. The tree trunk has been sketched onto the brown brick using vibrant colours by Hessie, Eliza and Miss Lee. Hessie and Eliza were able to describe to Miss Lee the importance of having a broad, strong trunk on the tree because this is where the wisdom of all the families’ ancestors and those who come from McAuley Boarding house in the past is. The leaves will be added throughout the term by students and staff, depicting who they are and our community. Watch this space, as there will be photographs in the next newsletter edition.
Miss Christie, Miss Sharon and the year 11 students have started an affirmation wall in the upstairs common area. We invite parents and caregivers to contribute to this affirmation wall. You are able to do so by sending through you affirmations for the girls via mail or to
In true Sisters of Mercy fashion, this week the boarding community has invited the teaching staff into our environment and school home at McAuley House for a cultural learning afternoon. This will be filled with fun activities planned by the girls and facilitated by staff. Congratulations to year 10 Student Kathleen Elisala for her determination and organisation in this space.
End of Term Travel
If parents and caregivers who have not already submitted their plans to boarding staff regarding end of term travel, could you do so please. This will assist with the planning and organisation of end of term cleaning and storage. This can be done by contacting the staff at the boarding house after 2.30pm each day on 0428 043 001 or emailing
Jesse Bolton
McAuley Boarding House Manager
Basketball Achievement
During the September school holidays, Elizabeth (Beth) Pugsley had the opportunity to represent the local Toowoomba Basketball Association and travel to Mackay for the U14 Girls Basketball Queensland State Championships. Beth was one of 28 young referees who embarked on officiating the tournament. Prior to attending, Beth had set her goals, one of which was to officiate a Division 1 game.
The tournament is coordinated by governing body Basketball Queensland and all referees had a live-in camp style format for the duration. All referees had to complete a rule and technicality exam, as well as a fitness test prior to the commencement of games. In her first Basketball Queensland tournament, Beth far exceeded her goals, received valuable mentoring and coaching from the educators and officiated several Division 1 games. She achieved a ranking high enough to officiate a Division 1 playoff game and was appointed ‘crew chief’ for one of her games. This is an amazing result for her first tournament.
Beth will continue her basketball officiating journey this week as she travels to the Gold Coast to represent the Darling Downs as a student official for the 10-12 years School State Championships. Beth will officiate games with teams and referees from across the Queensland school regions. We wish her well and support Beth with her achievements and goals.
Interact Update
As we move into the last few weeks of the school year, it is timely to reflect on what has been a fantastic year for the Interact Club of 2020. On Thursday 22nd October, members of the Interact Club, alongside Mrs Murray and Mrs Conaghan, attended the annual changeover lunch with the Rotary Club, Toowoomba East. The event was held at The Downs Club where the new executive and Interact positions were announced. The outgoing executive handed over badges to the new leaders.
Executive for 2021: President - Rianna, Vice President - Kirra, Secretary - Miranda,
Treasurer – Madison, Directors – Aimee and Kate.
We would like to thank the outgoing executive Zina, Mollie, Kirra, Georgia, Kate and Madison for their hard work and for excelling at their roles during the year.
On Friday 23rd October, we wore Purple for Polio and during our Funday Friday activities we held the "Pie the Teacher/Year 12 Student in the Face" event. The whole school community gathered in Dublin Place to make this event successful and exciting. We raised more than $500 to donate to Polio eradication. Thank you to the sub-committee, Georgia and Hannah H, for their commitment to this cause.
Earlier in the term, on Thursday 8th October, Interact students Kate, Mollie and Zina competed in The Great Debate against the Rotary team. The girls won the debate for the 8th consecutive year and therefore won The President’s Challenge ($250 donated by each club with the prize pool of $500 going to the charity of the winning club’s choice). As winners, we have chosen to split the funds between our polio fundraiser and the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Congratulations to our debating team and thank you to Miranda who was the timekeeper for the debate.
Interact is looking forward to the events of 2021. We welcome new members to the club in 2021 and hope for a fun and successful year.
Rianna Castle-Smith